Oktoberfest menu: Queen Stoat turkey brine
Hops are the green cone-shaped flowers, or “inflorescence,” of the Humulus lupulus plant. They’re a climbing perennial with a distinct jackpot for craft brewers. Hidden inside each cone are tiny yellow pods or glands called lupulin—the source of bitterness, aroma, and flavor in beer.
Where hops are grown and sourced spans the globe; notable producers include Germany, Czech Republic, New Zealand, and North America. We use German hops, for example, toward several beers including Oktoberfest and Pale Back. We’ve raced freshly picked New Zealand hops over the ocean to brew Southern Hemisphere Harvest IPA. But the majority of our supply is here in the U.S., where Oregon, Idaho, and Washington are the top hop-producing states.
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Craft brewers are after the lupulin inside hop cones. Those sticky yellow glands contain resin that contributes bitterness to beer, which helps balance the sweetness of malt, and essential oils responsible for aroma and flavor.
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Quisque vitae dui et justo sodales tempor. Donec egestas, erat sed commodo rutrum, libero nunc lobortis mauris, non varius orci ipsum in risus.
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Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum vel imperdiet purus, eget feugiat elit. Maecenas vehicula ex vel faucibus commodo.
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Mauris consequat neque nisi, id scelerisque odio bibendum sed. Etiam vel dolor molestie, ultricies lectus eu, laoreet mauris. Duis non massa cursus, vehicula lorem sed, tincidunt libero. Nunc purus urna, bibendum ullamcorper posuere at, varius faucibus justo.
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Nam quis tellus id nisi posuere luctus. Pellentesque ac sodales lorem. Nulla imperdiet vel urna a iaculis. Suspendisse convallis elit nec massa tristique, ut rutrum libero fermentum.
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Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus. Phasellus id libero suscipit, tempus nulla eu, faucibus urna. Aliquam porta tempor vehicula. Suspendisse potenti.
- Nulla ut leo faucibus: ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam.
- Nam quis: tellus id nisi posuere luctus.
- Vestibulum: vel imperdiet purus, eget feugiat elit.
- Ut eget justo: a risus blandit finibus.
Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus. Phasellus id libero suscipit, tempus nulla eu, faucibus urna. Aliquam porta tempor vehicula. Suspendisse potenti.
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Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus. Phasellus id libero suscipit, tempus nulla eu, faucibus urna. Aliquam porta tempor vehicula. Suspendisse potenti.
“Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus.”
Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus. Phasellus id libero suscipit, tempus nulla eu, faucibus urna. Aliquam porta tempor vehicula. Suspendisse potenti.
Nulla ut leo faucibus ipsum tristique volutpat vitae eget diam. Ut eget justo a risus blandit finibus. Phasellus id libero suscipit, tempus nulla eu, faucibus urna. Aliquam porta tempor vehicula. Suspendisse potenti.